Unfortunately, we are currently unavailable in Türkiye. We're working on resolving the issues that have prevented us from offering you our full range of services. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your continued business with Obstacle Analyze.


Since 2016, Obstacle Analyze has been developing a system using national resources, international standards, and platforms in the context of "obstacle analysis software."

Aviation authorities and airport operators in Türkiye and around the world are authorized and responsible for developing, protecting, and monitoring elevation restrictions in obstacle limitation surfaces. Access to obstacle information is critical for individuals and/or organizations seeking to develop plans, projects, or begin construction in the real estate surrounding airports. Using ObstacleAnalyze, which also holds Technological Product Experience and Trademark Registration Certificates, aviation information in ICAO standards can be queried online, such as which building functions and how many meters of building permits can be granted around airports.


You can view airports ' obstacle limitation surfaces, AIP's, CNS surfaces, Annex 15 surfaces, and discrete obstacle surfaces and surface infringement.


You can upload your obstacles and analyze how they penetrate the customized surfaces. Permitted building heights, peak analysis with critical obstacle surfaces, surface analysis, and cross-sectional area calculations based on CNS surfaces are all available.


You can form your own team and add your own obstacles, as well as view the obstacles added by the team on the table and map.


You can manually enter or upload.kml,.csv, or.txt files to confirm, edit, or delete obstacles created by your team or yourself.


You can generate reports from your queries.


Your questions and comments are extremely valuable to us. You can always contact our team for immediate assistance.


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 <br> Monitoring AIP Obstacle <br> With ObstacleAnalyze, you can view all obstacles published current  several other countries AIP's on the map or in table format. You can analyze the surface violation amounts of the obstacles you are viewing.
 <br> <br>Monitoring and Querying AIP Obstacles on The Map
 <br> <br>Monitoring AIP Obstacles on The Table
<br>Manual Obstacles Input <br> ObstacleAnalyze collects and manages obstacle data from multiple sources on a single platform. Sharing the obstacles, you manage in accordance with Annex15 ETOD standards with your team and relevant authorities can help to improve aviation safety.
<br>Installing an Obstacle Using a File <br> ObstacleAnalyze allows you to collect, manage, and analyze obstacle data in a variety of formats. You can identify the risks posed by these obstacles by performing 3D analysis on the data you upload in KML, TXT, and CSV format.
<br>Surface Analysis <br> ObstacleAnalyze is not only concerned with obstacle limitation surface violations.  You can detect obstacles that are infringements of your SID procedures or customized departure surfaces using customizable parameters.
<br>Construction Permits Height Inquiry <br> With ObstacleAnalyze, you can test the height of constructions permitted at many airports in Türkiye in accordance with the obstacle limitation surface and local regulations.




OLS Included in the Zoning Plans

The most convenient way for landowners, contractors, and investors to access obstacle data. Determine the value of your property based on where it is on the Obstacle Limitation Surface. Municipalities' public zoning plans include obstacle limitation surfaces.


ICAO Standards

Which functions are permitted near airports, and where are they permitted? Have you taken the OLS elevations into account when calculating Hmax and precedent? ObstacleAnalyze.com is your gateway to ICAO-compliant aeronautical information. International projects are developed in accordance with the directives of the Turkish Civil Aviation Directorate General (DGCA) and the General Directorate of State Airports Authority.


Navigational Aids

CNS (Communication, Navigation and Surveillance) analysis of air navigational aid equipment used for safe landing-departure, and navigation. Projections on VOR (VHF Omni Range), NDB (Non-Directional Beacon), DME (Distance Measurement Equipment), TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation), LLZ (Localizer) and GP (Glide Path) devices.